


In the matters of Quality, SHREE LAXMI FOOD PRODUCTS tolerates no compromise or error. Each and every flake is manufactured with highest care supervised by best appointed staff and in perfectly suitable environment and with the most dependable machineries. Best storage, fully working machineries, hygiene concerning raw materials and above all highest grade Maize are the main factors which help to achieve the goal of customer satisfaction and A-1 grade quality products.

Each and every product manufactured is thoroughly tested and then deployed to customers so that each and every error is rectified before reaching to the customers.

All boxes are made of 7 ply paper so that product could be protected from external damages and the quality is maintained at every stage.

We, at LAXMI FOOD PRODUCTS keep a keen eye to the product regarding hygiene of customers. We can thus say that each and every product manufactured is as pure as gold with the best reasonable prices in the market.